People and Forests in the Alps at the end of the "Civilization of Wood"

People and Forests in the Alps at the end of the "Civilization of Wood"

7. Online Minisymposium des Zentrums für Umweltgeschichte

18:15 ‐ 19:15

  • Vortrag

Presentation: Dr. Giacomo Bonan, Assistant Professor in the History of Science and Technology Department of Humanities, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Throughout the Ancien Regime, woodlands' use was the linchpin of the social and economic life of Alpine communities. This situation progressively changed during the nineteenth century in relation to two dynamics.
The first is the process of state centralisation that followed the introduction of the Napoleonic reforms in the area and the growing presence of state apparatus in the management of natural resources at the local level.
The second is the start of the industrial transition, which led to the crisis of the agro-sylvo-pastoral activities previously central in the economy of that area.
Through some case studies, the lecture analyzes the social, economic and ecological consequences of these dynamics and the role played by the actors involved in the use of woodlands.

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BOKU - Centre for Environmental History, Institute of Social Ecology
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