How can I add publications to my ORCID list?
To enter research outputs (primarily publications), it is possible to connect to a number of online databases (see: From which online databases can I import entries into ORCID? ). In this way, several publications can be imported into the ORCID portal at once. Furthermore, you can import individual publications using the following identifiers: arXiv ID, DOI, Pubmed ID. You can also import an existing collection from a publication management programme that you use via BibTeX. You can also import your Google Scholar entries via BibTeX.
From which online databases can I import entries into ORCID?
Currently, the following interfaces are offered for the import:
Enables users to import metadata from Airiti, including journal papers, proceedings, dissertations, and books. Scholars can easily collect and calculate all the research works that have been published. 研究者可匯入華藝所收錄的學術資源,包括兩岸三地的期刊論文、學位論文、會議論文集等內容,迅速蒐羅學術生涯中所有的書寫姓名及完整作品,讓研究活動及成果獲得正確地引用,且更快速梳理並展現個人的研究影響力,將華文地區優秀學者及高品質研究推廣至國際。
BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
BASE is one of the world's most voluminous academic search engines. It searches metadata about more than 100 million documents from more than 5000 sources. Most sources are institutional repositories all over the world that are harvested via the OAI-PMH protocol. BASE is operated by Bielefeld University Library in Germany.
Crossref Metadata Search
Import your publications from Crossref’s authoritative, publisher-supplied metadata on over 70 million scholarly journal and conference proceeding articles and books and book chapters. Crossref is a global, not-for-profit membership organization of scholarly that provides persistent links for scholarly content.
Search over 3 million energy and basic science research result records from the US Department of Energy (DOE) and predecessor agencies. Import records from OSTI.GOV into your ORCID record, including journal articles; technical reports; data; scientific software; patents; conference and workshop papers; books; dissertations and theses; and multimedia. DOE’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information (DOE OSTI) fulfills agency-wide responsibilities to collect, preserve, and disseminate research results emanating from DOE-funded activities at DOE national laboratories and facilities, at universities, and other institutions nationwide.
Enable the DataCite Search & Link and Auto-Update services. Search the DataCite Metadata Store to find your research datasets, images and other works, and link them to your ORCID record. Give DataCite permission to automatically add newly published works with a DataCite DOI that contain your ORCID identifier to your ORCID record.
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB)
Search the catalogue of the German National Library (DNB) by your name and link your publications to your ORCID record. The German National Library's collection mandate encompasses all texts, images and sound recordings published in Germany or in the German language, translated from German or relating to Germany that have been issued since 1913. The media works covered by the mandate include all physical publications such as books, journals and audio books. In 2006, our collection mandate was extended to incorporate so-called online publications. These are non-physical publications made available through the internet, for example e-books, e-journals, or digital audio books. At the end of 2018 the German National Library held a total of roughly 36 million media units. If you have an authority record in the GND (Integrated Authority File), it will be added as an external identifier in your ORCID record by claiming the publication. The GND is a service facilitating the collaborative use and administration of authority data. These authority data represent and describe entities, like persons, corporate bodies, and conferences relating to cultural and academic collections. Libraries in particular use the GND to catalogue literature. The GND is cooperatively managed by the German National Library, all library networks of the German-speaking countries and their participating libraries, and many other institutions. Authority data make cataloguing easier, offer definitive search entries and forge links between different information resources. Every entity in the GND features a unique and stable identifier (GND ID). This makes it possible to link the authority data with both each other and external data sets and web resources. This results in a cross-organisational, machine-readable data network, the so-called GND network. GND authority records form part of the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF); they are combined with data from other national authority files.
Europe PubMed Central
Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) offers this tool to enable you to link anything in Europe PMC to your ORCID. Europe PMC contains all of PubMed, 500K records from Agricola that cannot be found in PubMed, 4 million patents and 2.6 million full text articles that we share with PMC in the USA.
Part of the Ministry’s research infrastructure roadmap and of the National Plan for Open Science, HAL is the multi-disciplinary open archive chosen by the whole French scientific and university community for the dissemination of knowledge. It is both a unique repository and an application, a shared platform for institutional archives, disciplinary repository and electronic theses.
ISNI Linker Search the ISNI registry by your name and link your ISNI record to your ORCID record as an external identifier. The International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) is a recognized global ISO standard for the unique identification of contributors to creative activity. The ISNI acts as a bridge identifier facilitating the linking of identifiers used by research libraries around the world to support discovery. By linking your ORCID with your ISNI record, you build the foundation for linking information from both records. This is a 2-step process Step 1: Add ORCID to ISNI: Within ORCID search & link, identify your ISNI record through name search; choose ‘add ORCID to ISNI’ once you identify your ISNI record; and save the result. Step 2: Add ISNI to ORCID: Within your ISNI record, after you have added your ORCID iD to ISNI, choose ‘add ISNI to ORCID’ and be directed to your ORCID record. To remove an erroneous link between ISNI and ORCID: Step 1: Remove ORCID from ISNI: Within your ISNI record, choose ‘remove ORCID from ISNI’ and save the updated record. Choose ‘go to ORCID’ Step 2: Remove ISNI from ORCID: Within your ORCID record, choose ‘Edit your record’ and delete the ISNI identifier that is listed under ‘Other IDs’
JaLC is the only Japanese organization authorized by the IDF as a Registration Agency (RA) for DOI. Administered jointly by academic institutions in Japan. DOIs are assigned to various digital content including scholarly papers, books, research data, and e-learning, and are managed along with the content location (URL). JaLC operations are coordinated by 4 representing organizations: JST, NII, NDL, NIMS
MLA International Bibliography
Search the MLA International Bibliography for your works, including those published under variant names, and add them to your ORCID profile with one click.
OpenAIRE Explore
Find research outcomes in OpenAIRE Research Graph
Una plataforma que permite identificar tus trabajos publicados en revistas arbitradas de Acceso Abierto indizadas en Redalyc y crear tu página de autor. Integra tu producción a través del servicio Autores-Redalyc con otras plataformas como ORCID. Conoce los indicadores de descargas, coautoría, etc. Exporta tu producción científica en PDF y XML. // A platform that allows you to identify your papers published in Open Access peer-reviewed journals indexed by Redalyc and create your author page. Through the AutoresRedalyc service you can integrate your research output with other platforms such as ORCID. Find your article metrics like downloads, co-authorship rates, etc. Export your profile and information in PDF or XML.
Scopus - Elsevier
Import your Identifier, profile and publications. The wizard helps you find the correct Scopus profile and to confirm your publications. You can then import the identifier and list of publications into ORCID. Any changes you make will be submitted to the Feedback team to update your Scopus profile.
The Lens
The Lens serves global patent and scholarly knowledge on a public good platform, enabling you to import all your scholarly works and patents to your ORCID record from a single location. Use your ORCID Plus Profile on Lens to quickly find and sync all your works to ORCID and showcase your career output on an auto-generated author/inventor profile that is based on your ORCID record.
How do I add entries from linked online databases to my ORCID?
See: Add works by direct import from other systems on the support pages of ORCID or in the info video.
How can I import works using BibTex?
See: Importing works from a BibTeX file on the support pages of ORCID.
How do I add works using an Identifyer?
See: Add works using an identifier on the support pages of ORCID.
How do I add works manually?
See: Add works manually on the support pages of ORCID.
How can I merge duplicates?
See: Group multiple versions of the same work together on the support pages of ORCID, or in the info video.
How can I edit works?
See: Edit works on the support pages of ORCID.