Master thesis
Why choosing BOKU for your master thesis?
At the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, IMSOGLO students will focus their scientific work on "Soil biogeochemistry and global change" and deepen their knowledge in the fields of sustainable land use, ecosystem dynamics, soil protection, globalization and rural development, soil problems in (semi-) aridic regions.
Within your master thesis students learn to work on a scientific question, do guided individual work and be able to defend scientific results.
The Master's thesis should be done in the fourth semester of the IMSOGLO programme. The main supervisor should be found, and the topic of the master's thesis be fixed, by the end of your second semester at BOKU, Vienna (at the end of your first study year; ideally between summer and winter term).
At BOKU, Vienna IMSOGLO students have the advantage to choose their master thesis topics individually and according to their interests. It's up to the students to benefit from this "academic freedom" and from a wide range of scientific working opportunities.

How to find your master thesis topic?
How do I find a thesis topic and a supervisor?
IMSOGLO students are responsible for choosing their thesis topics and supervisors at BOKU. Students should plan their thesis topics according to their specific fields of interest within the IMSOGLO programme. Students can choose their topics individually, in consultation with the IMSOGLO programme coordinator and thesis supervisor at BOKU. This procedure enables students to focus on their specific field of interest.
Additionally, master thesis topics are offered by specific supervisors and can be found on institute's homepages, blackboards, etc. or at the online theses market on the website of the Institute of Soil Research (IBF). During your studies at BOKU (2nd IMSOGLO semester) you will complete different IMSOGLO related courses and get to know some professors that might work in your field of interest. It's recommended to contact those professors regarding a possible supervision already during your stay at BOKU.
However, if you have problems to find your topic and supervisor on your own, you can ask your local IMSOGLO coordinator to help with suitable suggestions.
Who is allowed to be my supervisor?
At BOKU university lecturers with "venia docendi" (="habilitiert"), that means professors and associated professors, but not assistant professors are allowed to act as your thesis supervisor.

Required documents & registration of your master thesis
You have to register your Master's thesis at BOKU study services as soon as the topic and the supervisors have been fixed. According to the regulations the Master's thesis has to be registered before you start working on it. It's recommended to submit your registration form at the end of your semester at BOKU already.
Master's thesis registration form can be found here.
General information about the master's thesis process at BOKU can be found here.