Graduation int. variant "Biomass Technology"
The issuing of the graduation documents and the administrative processing of the graduation with a joint degree is carried out in accordance with the FPSO of TUM. Your graduation documents will be signed by both universities.
Information can be found on the website of the Straubing Campus. If you have any questions, please contact the study coordination in Straubing.
To confirm your graduation and close your studies at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) you have to complete the mandatory survey on study-related stays abroad at .
Please send the resulting UHStat2 confirmation (PDF) to studienservices(at) .
If you need a substitute code for this survey (“Ersatzkennzeichen”) you can find it on your record of studies from BOKU, the code is shown under “Sozialversicherungsnummer / Social insurance number”.
If you have problems retrieving the substitute code please contact studienservices(at) .
Please take care to enter your correct graduation date (i.e. month/year of graduation at TUM) when completing the survey.