During/After the exchange semester
During the stay abroad
I arrived at my host university and now I had to change my course selection. Do I have to resubmit the whole equivalency list?
Please inform your Departmental coordinator and clarify the changes with him/her. After completion of the semester abroad, the final version of the revised equivalence list is submitted to the Dean of Studies for recognition.
After the stay abroad
I had to change some courses during my mobility. How do I enter them in the equivalence list after the stay?

As long as you have agreed on the courses with the BOKU course instructors or the departmental coordinator during your stay, you can enter the credit in the list. If you want to get accredit a course for BOKU, you have to get the signature of the course instructor. This must be added to the right of the table of the equivalence list after (!) the stay, if it is not listed in the equivalence list before the stay.
I have just completed my semester abroad. What do I have to do now in terms of organization?
1. Consultation with the responsible departmental coordinators regarding the recognition of completed examinations by means of Transcript of Records and equivalence list (signature of the coordinator). If BOKU compulsory courses are to be credited, please obtain the signature of the course instructor for the equivalence of the completed courses.
2. Subsequently, the completed examinations must be credited in the study services and the transcript of records and list of equivalences must be presented to the study services.
Send the already approved list before the stay, the new list after the stay including the signature of the departmental coordinator (Fachkoordinator*in) as well as the transcript of records of the host university together in one email to anerkennungen@boku.ac.at (Study Services/Recognitions) for the verification of the equivalence list and the signature of the Dean of Studies.
Please do not contact the dean of studies or the head of the examination office directly.
Please use BOKU students email address - emails from external email addresses cannot be answered due to data protection reasons.
Incomplete equivalence lists cannot be processed.
Please allow an average of 2 - 4 weeks for the processing of your application, please also allow time for any corrections that may be necessary!
Multiple inquiries are to be refrained from, the procedure is not accelerated thereby!
Personal collection of the signed equivalence list after notification by Study Services (collection by authorized person is possible).
3. No later than 2 months after return: Upload the confirmation of stay (= copy of the Transcript of Records = certificate) as well as the completed signed equivalence list (all 4 pages) in a PDF in Mobility Online.
4. Submission of a report on the stay. Please also upload this report as a PDF in Mobility Online.
You will then receive a closing email. This final email confirms that the stay abroad has also been completed in the system.
How do I enter the grades into my equivalency list?
Grades are determined or converted uniformly according to the Bavarian formula (https://boku.ac.at/studienservices/themen/anerkennungen/informationen-zur-notenumrechnung-nach-auslandsaufenthalten). The grades entered in the equivalence list by residence are checked and, if necessary, corrected by Study Services and the Dean of Studies.