Welcome Days for International Students
For students who start a full bachelor or master programme at BOKU, the Austrian Students' Union organises programme specific tutorials in the week of 24th February 2025: www.oehboku.at.
BOKU-International Relations and ESN BOKU are happy to invite you to our Welcome Days for International Students from 25th to 28th of February 2025: Get to know BOKU and your fellow students!
The weekend, 1st and 2nd of March, the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) of BOKU has organized more events. Have fun!
The Welcome Days for International Students will take place entirely on site.
Please be aware that some of the events require a registration - see the programme below!
Programme Welcome Days Summer Semester 2025
Registration is required for some of the events.
The links for registration can be found at the respective programme item.
Registration deadline for the city tour "Dicover Vienna" and the "Tours: Institutes - Laboratories - Experimental Areas": 25th of February, 14:00 CET (resp. until the events are fully booked - first come, first serve).
Attention: Participation is only possible if you have registered online and have received a registration confirmation by e-mail.
A personal registration on site is required for the "Willkommens-Heuriger".
Information on personal data processing
Tuesday, 25th of February 2025
Official Welcome and Introduction
ILWA SR 29, Ilse-Wallentin-Haus, Peter Jordanstr. 82
- Welcome speech by Vice Rector for Teaching, Continuing Education and Students Prof. Doris Damyanovic
- Introduction to the BOKU-International Relations team (BOKU-IR) and the ERASMUS Departmental Coordinators
- Presentation: Studying at BOKU
- Introduction: Austrian Student Union (ÖH), Department for Inter-national Affairs, the Erasmus Student Network, Department for Foreign Students
- Introduction: Institute for Development Research
- Overview: further programme
Presentation “Study at BOKU”
Presentation Austrian Student Union
Presentation ESN
Presentation Institute of Development Research
The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) invites you:
Where?: Stadtpark (Parkring 1, 1010 Vienna), in front of the Golden Johann Strauss Statue.
Let us get to know each other while discovering one of the most beautiful parks of the city, bring some drinks and snacks and let the Erasmus fun kick in.
Attention: This is not an official BOKU event; BOKU does not assume any costs or responsibility.
ESN BOKU x Travelshack
The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) invites you:
Where?: Travelshack, Mariahilfer Gürtel 21, 1150 Wien
The bar with the best shots in town. Tuesday is the ERASMUS day in Vienna (hosted by Travelshack) so you shall expect to get to know local and international people from other Universities as well. Get yourselves ready, there is also a Karaoke room…
Attention: This is not an official BOKU event; BOKU does not assume any costs or responsibility.
Wednesday, 26th of February 2025
BOKUonline and the University Library
Meeting point: ILWA SR 29, Ilse-Wallentin-Haus, Peter Jordanstr. 82
Introduction to BOKU-IT-Services (BOKUonline)
(10:00-11:30 English, 11:30-13:00 German)
Introduction to using the University Library (UB)
(10:00-11:00 German, 11:30-12:30 English)
BOKUonline and the University Library
Meeting point: ILWA SR 29, Ilse-Wallentin-Haus, Peter Jordanstr. 82
Introduction to using the University Library (UB)
(10:00-11:00 German, 11:30-12:30 English)
Introduction to BOKU-IT-Services (BOKUonline)
(10:00-11:30 English, 11:30-13:00 German)
"Discover Vienna" City Tour
Registration required (registration until 25th of February, 14:00 CET or until all places are filled - first come, first serve)
4 groups (3x English, 1x German), max 25 persons per group
Vienna has a lot to offer! Official city guides will show you Vienna's 1. District - the historical city center - in order for you to get to know your new home. Enjoy immersing in our city's extraordinary atmosphere!
Attention: Participation is only possible if you have registered online and have received a registration confirmation by e-mail.
Thursday, 27th of February 2025
10:00 - 12:00
Tours: Institutes - Laboratories - Experimental Areas
Registration required (registration until 25th of February, 14:00 CET or until all places are filled - first come, first serve)
In groups (max 30. persons per group)
Get to know BOKU´s different locations!
BOKU's researchers report about their research work and show you around the laboratories resp. fields.
- Institute of Food Technology
(Start: 10:00) OR - Institute of Biotechnology OR
(Start: 10:00) OR
- Tour Water Labs: Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research (BOKU River Lab)/
Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control
(Start: 09:00) OR
- Tour Experimental Farm (Groß-Enzersdorf) OR
(Start: 09:00) OR
- Tour Forest Garden "Knödlhütte“
(Start: 09:20)
Attention: Participation is only possible if you have registered online and have received a registration confirmation by e-mail.
For the tours at the Water Labs, the Experimental Farm and at the Forest Garden also make sure to bring a ticket for public transport!
Friday, 28th of February 2025
Campus Discovery Tour (Campus „Türkenschanze“)
Meeting place: ILWA SR 29, Ilse-Wallentin-Haus, Peter Jordanstr. 82
Would you like to get to know your new university?
We created a tour through the Campus Türkenschanze that will help you discover not only the most important places on campus, but also find some great views.
In small groups you will go from station to station, solve riddles, answer questions and get to know the nicest fellow students. There is also a prize to be won :-)
At 14:00 we will meet again in ILWA SR 29 to choose the winners.
"Welcome Heuriger"
Personal Registration required (first come, first serve):
- 24.02., 10:00-12:00 at BOKU-IR, Peter Jordanstr. 82a
- 25.02.,13:00-14:00 at ILWA SR 29, Ilse-Wallentin-Haus, Peter Jordanstr. 82
- 26.02., 13:00-14:00 at BOKU-IR, Peter Jordanstr. 82a
At the registration you have to pay a registration fee of € 3 (includes free buffet and 1 free drink)
When moving to a new city/ starting at a new university, it is important to make new friends. In order for you to easily get to know each other, we invite you to our “Welcome Heuriger” for international students and their buddies. (A "Heuriger" is a typical Austrian wine tavern. We are going to have some Austrian food and wine there and will get to know each other.)
Attention: Participation is only possible with a personalised ticket at you receive at the registration.
ESN Party at Prater Dome
The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) invites you:
Where? Prater Dome, Riesenradpl. 7, 1020 Vienna
The biggest Club of Austria. A collaboration of four universities is bringing to you this event. Three different stages, three different genres of music, lots of fun. DO NOT MISS OUT!!!
Registration conditions: Individuals can enter all night long but if you are an ESN BOKU card holder, you get a 40% discount. The tickets are limited so please buy yours in advance!!! (Available one week before the event, Keep yourselves updated.)
Attention: This is not an official BOKU event; BOKU does not assume any costs or responsibility.
Saturday, 1st of March 2025
Wine Hike to Kahlenberg by ESN BOKU
The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) invites you:
Ready to hike to the top of Vienna and enjoy the sunset and the most beautiful view of the city with people from all over the world? We are hiking through the vineyards of the Viennese hills. Nothing better that enjoying the sunset with some wine, so be sure to bring some of it with you (or buy along the walk) because we will be chilling up there. No worries, there is a direct bus taking us back to the city every 30 minutes.
Meeting point: Tram stop D Nussdorf
Attention: This is not an official event organised by BOKU; BOKU does not assume any costs or responsibility associated with this event.
The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) invites you:
Where?: Soho Bar and Ponyhof Club.
Get ready to discover the nightlife of Vienna and vibe to the best tunes of the city with your new friends.
Attention: This is not an official event organised by BOKU; BOKU does not assume any costs or responsibility associated with this event.
Sunday, 2nd of March 2025
Discovering Danube Island
The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) invites you:
Let us do some sport activities on the island. ESN BOKU will have some sport material brought over and you shall feel free to bring your own drinks and snacks as well as sport equipment(balls, racquets, skateboards, etc..)
Meeting point: Tram station 31: Florisdorfer Brücke
Attention: This is not an official event organised by BOKU; BOKU does not assume any costs or responsibility associated with this event.