Shared Flats

The advantage of choosing to rent or share a flat with other students is that you usually do not need to pay commission fees. On the other hand, there is  a risk that you won’t  find the right place or even a place at all. However, BOKU-International Relations sometimes receives offers of accomadation from students who go abroad with ERASMUS for a semester or a year. These offers are posted on our facebook group "Accommodation Exchange BOKU".

In addition, flat exchanges are a good way of finding a room in Vienna. You can start searching before  you arrive and make contact with the landlady/landlord and/or future flatmates. In general, rooms cost between € 300 and € 600 per month.

ATTENTION: Unfortunately there are also a few fake adverts on these websites  - When not using an official institution, such as the OeAD or contacting student dormitories directly, never transfer money (deposit /rent), before you have seen the room in person or have received the key!


Useful links when looking for a flat: - a German housing portal with a specific section for Vienna

Facebook - a Facebook group about apartments, rooms and flats in Vienna

The OeAD-Housing Office
The application procedure is the same as for a room in a student residence.
Apartments within a good distance from BOKU:

  • 1080 Wien, Tigergasse 23-27
  • 1150 Wien, Gasgasse 2
  • 1070 Wien, Kandlgasse 30
  • 1010 Wien, Hafnersteig - general website for apartments and more (only in German)

Flat Exchange (only in German) - another option for accommodation (only in German)

Schwarzes Brett der ÖH - an online notice board provided by ÖH

BOKU-Facebook - Also, our Facebook page for international and BOKU students has a discussion group called "Accommodation Exchange BOKU": - housing and appartments for Erasmus students

Private peer-to-peer property rentals: ; ;

Youth hostels - perfect for your first days in Vienna

Youth Hostels offer the best temporary accommodation.
Reservation is recommended.

Jugendgästehaus Brigittenau
Adalbert-Stifter-Strasse 73 |1200 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 332 82 94
Fax: +43 1 330 83 79
E-Mail: jgh.1200wien(at)

Wombat’s City Hostel
Rechte Wienzeile 35 |1040 Wien
Mariahilfer Straße 137 |1150 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 897 23 36
Fax: +43 1 897 25 77
E-Mail: bookingvienna(at)

Jugendherberge Myrthengasse
Myrthengasse 7 |1070 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 523 631 60
Fax: +43 523 58 49
E-Mail: hostel(at)

Hostel Ruthensteiner
Robert-Hamerling-G. 24 |1150 Wien
Tel.: 43 1  893 42 02
Fax: +43 1 893 27 96
E-Mail: info(at)

Jugendgästehaus Hütteldorf
Schlossberggasse 8 |1130 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 877 02 63
Fax: +43 1 877 02 632
E-Mail: jgh(at)

Hotel Praterstern
Mayergasse 6 |1020 Wien
Tel.: 43 1 214 01 23
Fax: +43 1 214 78 80
E-Mail: hotelpraterstern(at)