Contacts at BOKU-International Relations

Consulting hours

Appointments for online consulting hours can be found on the BOKUonline businesscards of the staff members.


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
BOKU-International Relations
Peter Jordan Str. 82a
1190 Vienna


BOKU students going international

DI Mag. Lisa Kargl

  • Erasmus+ studying abroad (Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey)

DI Claudia Zefferer

  • Erasmus+ studying abroad (Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden)

Eleonora CONI

  • Joint Study and Joint Study Freemover
    (including NARMEE)
  • Erasmus+ International Mobility

Mag.phil. Veronika Eberl, B.A.

  • KUWI (Short-term scholarships for scientific work abroad)
  • Ceepus
  • Marshall Plan
  • Bilateral "Aktionen" (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary)

Mag.a Gudrun Reisinger, M.A.

  • Erasmus+ Traineeship
  • Erasmus+ Short term mobilities

International students coming to BOKU

Dipl.-Ing. Katrin Hasenhündl

  • Erasmus + Study exchange (Germany, France, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, United Kingdom)

Mag.a Ulrike Piringer

  • Erasmus + Study exchange (all other programme countries SMS: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey)

Eleonora CONI, B.Sc

  • Joint Study and Joint Study Freemover
    (including NARMEE, TRANSFOR-M)
  • Erasmus+ International Mobility

Mag.phil. Veronika Eberl, B.A.

  • Ceepus
  • Marshall Plan
  • Bilateral "Aktionen" (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary)

Bahmou Sara Johanna, B.A. MSc.

  • Erasmus+ International Mobility
  • Erasmus+ Traineeship

Language Courses, Language Certificates

Coordinator: Marta Darta Repule, B.A.

International Master Programmes

Mag.a Ulrike Piringer

  • ELLS -  EnvEuro, emPLANT+

Dipl.-Ing. Katrin Hasenhündl

  • Biomassetechnologie/NAWARO, Weinbau, Önologie und Weinwirtschaft, Animal Breeding and Genetics, European Forestry, Limnology and Wetland Management

Nicole Fohringer, B.A. M.A.

  • Horticultural Sciences, IMSOGLO

Mag.a Gudrun Reisinger, M.A.

  • Danube AgriFood Master (DAFM)

Bahmou Sara Johanna, B.A. MSc.

  • ELLS - Narmee, Safety in the Food Chain, EUR-Organic

BOKU staff going international

Bahmou Sara Johanna, B.A. MSc.

  • Erasmus+ (Teaching Mobility, Staff Mobility)

Veronika Eberl, B.A. Mag.phil.

  • Ceepus

Eleonora Coni, B.Sc.

  • Erasmus+ International Mobility

Dr. Margarita Calderón-Peter

  • Andere Programme

International staff coming to BOKU

Bahmou Sara Johanna, B.A. MSc.

  •  Erasmus+

Veronika Eberl, B.A. Mag.phil.

  • Ceepus

Eleonore Coni, B.Sc.

  • Erasmus+ International Mobility

 Dr. Margarita Calderón-Peter

  • Other programmes

Ingrid Tobeiner

International Co-operations

Head:  Dr. Margarita Calderón-Peter

Strategies of BOKU within the range "international"

Head: Dr. Margarita Calderón-Peter