
What is it about?
Tandem learning is a reciprocal language learning project where you are paired with a native speaker of your target language, so that you can learn together. This means that students with different native languages teach each other. There is no financial cost involved and you can benefit regardless of your language level. You can meet up to study together, practice speaking, find out more about your partner's culture, discuss language problems and support each other's learning. Tools like mobile phones, emailing, and Skype can also support tandem learning.
How does it work?
The imagination knows no limits when it comes to tandem learning: tandem partners can work through textbooks and exercise books, work through things from everyday life (e.g. newspaper articles, product information, radio broadcasts), practice structured dialogues on certain themes or simply have a conversation with each other. Choosing the exercise method depends on your prior knowledge and the learning objectives of the tandem learning partners.
What are the benefits of Tandem Learning?
Students, teachers and researchers who are planning a semester abroad can make contact with someone in their future host country before their stay has begun. This helps them to improve their language skills and gain an insight into the culture, mentality and social environment of the country. Tandem learning is also a convenient way to keep up your previously-acquired language skills and to make contact with native speakers.
How to apply?
You have to register online on our e-learning platform BOKUlearn. Follow the link and login with your valid BOKUonline account. Scroll down the page where you can find the search field, type the course name "Tandem Learning" and click on registration for the course of this semester. There you will find further information about how to use the e-learning platform.
Registration period for the summer semester 2025: 25.02.-12.03.2025
Next steps?
A list containing all Tandem participants and their target languages will be published on BOKUlearn. You have to check the list and pick a Tandem partner on your own. You can contact your partner via telephone or email. In the middle of October there will be a kick-off meeting with some hints for tandem leaning and the opportunity to meet the other participants.
Kick-Off-Meeting: We, 19.03.2025, 17:15
Place: EH03, Exner-Haus, Peter Jordanstr. 82
Further information: tandem(at)boku.ac.at
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
BOKU-International Relations (BOKU-IR)
Peter-Jordan-Str. 82A
1190 Vienna