Middle Pleistocene Glaciations / Vergletscherungen (FWF)
Middle Pleistocene Glaciations in the northern Alpine Foreland - New insights from luminescence dating

Mittelpleistozäne Vergletscherungen im nördlichen Alpenvorland - Licht ins Dunkel durch Lumineszenzalter P23138-N19 FWF Wissenschaftsfonds, A-1190 Wien Project Leader: Prof. Markus Fiebig 2011 -2016
Bickel, L., Lomax, J., Fiebig, M. (2011): Feldspat-Lumineszenzdatierungen an Hochterrassen im österreichischen Alpenvorland: Ein- & Ausblicke . [German LED 2011 (Deutsche Lumineszenz- & ESR-Datierungstagung), NOV 4-6, 2011, Cologne, GERMANY] Bickel, L., Lomax, J., Fiebig, M. (2012): Fluvial terrace gravels of the "Hochterrasse" (N-Apine Foreland, Austria): luminescence characteristics of quartz and feldspar. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 14, 7880-7880; ISSN 1607-7962 [EGU European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Wien, APR 22-27 2012] Download Abstract | Download Poster Lomax, J., Schielein, P., Bickel, L., Fiebig, M. (2011): Quartz and feldspar luminescence properties from (glacio-)fluvial deposits along the northern Alpine Foreland. [Poster] [13th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, Torun, Poland, JUL 10-14, 2011] In: Grzegorz J. Poreba (Ed.), Book of Abstracts, LED Torun 2011, p. 128.
Bickel, L., Lomax, J., Fiebig, M. (2012): Fluvial terrace gravels of the "Hochterrasse" (N-Apine Foreland, Austria): luminescence characteristics of quartz and feldspar. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 14, 7880-7880; ISSN 1607-7962
Bickel, L. (2012): Lumineszenzdatierungen an fluvialen und glaziofluvialen Sedimenten des nördlichen österr. Alpenvorlandes; Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Alpenvorland Quartär (AGAQ) in Seeham, Österreich (April 2012)
Fiebig, M., Bickel, L., Lomax, J. & Preusser, F. (2012): Links between “global” and “local” – the classical Alpine Quaternary versus global MIS-stratigraphy.- Vortrag auf dem 34th International Geological Congress und Abstract im Tagungsband, Brisbane, Australien (August 2012).
Bickel, L; Lomax, J; Lüthgens, C; Fiebig, M. (2012): Exploring the luminescence properties of quartz and feldspar of glaciofluvial outwash terraces in the northern Alpine Foreland (Upper Austria). [UK Luminescence and ESR Meeting 2012, Aberystwyth, UK, SEP 12-14, 2012] In: Geoff Duller, Helen Roberts, Hollie Wynne (Eds.), UK Luminescence and ESR Meeting 2012 - Programme and Abstracts.
Lüthgens, C; Bickel, L; Lomax, J; Fiebig, M (2012): Luminescence properties of quartz from the northern Alpine foreland - exploring the effects of different preheat temperatures and preheat times. [Poster] German LED 2012 (Deutsche Lumineszenz- & ESR-Datierungstagung), OKT 26-28, 2012, Mannheim, GERMANY
Bickel, L; Lüthgens, C; Lomax, J; Fiebig, M. (2013): Thermal stability of the quartz OSL signal - a case study of quartz derived from the Northern Alpine Foreland (Austria). [Poster] [EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, APR 7-12, 2013], Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15.
Bickel, L; Lüthgens, C; Lomax, J; Fiebig, M. (2013): Unraveling the glacial history of an eastern alpine valley by luminescence dating (Ybbs, Austria). [Poster] [UK Luminescence And Electron Spin Resonance Meeting, St. Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom, AUG 28-30, 2013] In: Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of St. Andrews, UK Luminescence and ESR meeting: Developments - Methodologies – Application
Bickel, L; Lüthgens, C; Lomax, J; Fiebig, M (2013): Unraveling the glacial history of an eastern alpine valley by luminescence dating (Ybbs, Austria). [Poster] [UK Luminescence And Electron Spin Resonance Meeting, St. Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom, AUG 28-30, 2013]
Bickel, L., Lüthgens, C., Lomax, J. and Fiebig, M. (2013): Penck & Brückner’s Middle Pleistocene terrace stratigraphy revisited: dating of glaciofluvial deposits of an eastern alpine valley (Ybbs) by luminescence methods (Vortrag) Deutsche Lumineszenz und ESR Tagung (Freiberg, Deutschland).
Bickel, L. (2014): Untersuchungen im oberösterreichischen Ybbs-Tal.- Vortrag auf der Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Alpenvorland Quartär, Orth an der Donau.
Bickel, L., Lüthgens, C., Lomax, J., Fiebig, M. (2014): Revisiting the Middle Pleistocene glaciofluvial sedimentary legacy of the NE alpine foreland – a new chronology based on the results from luminescence dating methods. [DEUQUA (37. Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Quartärvereinigung), Innsbruck, 24.-29.09.2014] In: Koinig, K., Starnberger, R., Spötl, C., DEUQUA 2014, Innsbruck University Press.
Fiebig M., Braumann S., Decker K., Häuselmann P., Hintersberger E., Lomax J., Lüthgens C., Neuhuber S., Schäfer J. (2014): New investigations of Quaternary deposits in the Vienna Basin (Austria). INQUA-SEQS The Quaternary of the Urals: Global trends and Pan-European Quaternary records, DEC 13, 2014, Wien
Fiebig M., Braumann S., Decker K., Grupe S., Häuselmann P., Heinrich M., Hintersberger E., Lomax J., Lüthgens C., Neuhuber S., Payer T., Pereson M., Schäfer J.(2014): Dating in applied projects in the Vienna basin.Mini-conference and workshop an reginal and method to method comparison of numerical dating results , OCT 30, 2014, Szeged
Lüthgens, C; Bickel, L; Lomax, J; Fiebig, M. (2014): Establishing a numerical chronology for the Middle Pleistocene glaciofluvial sediment record of an eastern alpine valley (Ybbs) using luminescence dating methods. [Poster] [EGU General Assembly 2014, Wien, APR 27 - MAY 2, 2014], Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, 10316-10316.
Lüthgens, C; Bickel, L; Lomax, J; Fiebig, M. (2014): A new numerical chronology for the Middle Pleistocene glaciofluvial sediment record of the NE alpine foreland - based on the results from luminescence dating methods. [Poster] [14th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, Montréal, JUL 7-11, 2014] In: Laboratoire de luminescence Lux Université du Québec à Montréal, 14th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating - Book of Abstracts.
Neuhuber, S.; Braumann, S.; Lüthgens, C.; Schäfer, J.; Häuselmann, P.; Fiebig, M. (2015): 26 Al - 10 Be burial ages of a Pleistocene Terrace in the Vienna Basin. [Poster] [EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, AUSTRIA, APR 12-17, 2015], Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, 11347-11347AGAQ 2015
Rades, E. F.; Lüthgens, C.; Fiebig, M. (2015): Exploring the possibilities of quartz and feldspar luminescence dating for glaciofluvial sediments from the Northern Alpine Foreland. [UK Luminescence and ESR Meeting 2015, Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM, SEP 20-24, 2015] In: Sanderson, D.; Carmichael, L.; Cresswell, A.; Kinnaird, T.; Murphy, S., UK Luminescence and ESR Meeting 2015, p. 37.
Rades, E.-F., Lüthgens, C., Fiebig, M. (2015): Exploring the possibilities of quartz and feldspar luminescence dating for glaciofluvial sediments from the Northern Alpine Foreland. AGAQ 2015, MAY 01-03, 2015, Kolsassberg, AUSTRIA
Bickel, L., Lüthgens, C., Lomax, J., Fiebig, M. (2015b): The timing of the penultimate glaciation in the northern Alpine Foreland: new insights from luminescence dating. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 126, 536-550.
Lüthgens, C., Braumann, S., Neuhuber, S., Rades, E., Fiebig, M. (2015): Sediment burial as a tool in active tectonics research – OSL and cosmogenic nuclides. Workshop on Avances in Active Tectonics and Speleotetonics, Vienna, Austria. Vienna, AUSTRIA, SEP 20-24, 2015]In: Baron, I.; Decker, K.; Hintersberger, E.; Mitrovic, I.; Plan, L., Advances in Active Tectonics and Speleotectonics – Book of Abstracts and Field Trip Guide, p. 18
Neuhuber, S.; Braumann, S.; Lüthgens, C.; Schäfer, J.; Häuselmann, P.; Fiebig, M. (2015): 26 Al - 10 Be burial ages of a Pleistocene Terrace in the Vienna Basin. [Poster] [EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, AUSTRIA, APR 12-17, 2015], Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, 11347-11347
Bickel, L., Lüthgens, C., Lomax, J., Fiebig, M. (2015a): Luminescence dating of glaciofluvial deposits linked to the penultimate glaciation in the Eastern Alps. Quaternary International 357, 110-124.
Fiebig, M., Bickel, L., Neuhuber, S., Lüthgens, C., Gibbard, P. (2015): Chronostratigraphic correlation of Pleistocene river terrace sediments - A case for reliable numerical dating. XIX INQUA Conference. 26.06.-02.08.2015, Nagoya, Japan.
Braumann, S. (2016): Investigation of 26-Al and 10-Be contents in Pleistocene Terrace sediments form the Vienna Basin, Austria. 81 S., Universität für Bodenkultur Wien.
Neuhuber, S., Braumann, S., Lüthgens, C., Fiebig, M., Häuselmann,P., Schäfer, J.M. (2016): 26Al - 10Be cosmogenic nuclide isochron burial dating in combination with luminescence dating of two Danube terraces. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-9718-1, 2016 EGU General Assembly 2016