Christopher Lüthgens

Position: Associate Professor

Research interests:  

The dynamics of geomorphological surface processes that shape the landscape of the earth's surface, their variability over time as an expression of changed (paleo)-environmental parameters and the understanding of these interdependencies, especially in the context of global (paleo)-climate change, represent one of the great challenges of our time and have constantly been in the focus of my research career. A key to asses such changes over geological time-scales are numerical dating methods, and I have developed an expertise in geochronology, with a focus on the broad range of luminescence dating techniques. More recently, I additionally focussed on a geoarchaeological perspective, investigating the role of humans in shaping the landscape in different (paleo-)environmental contexts. My research areas focus on central Europe and the European Alps, but also extend to regions beyond the European context, such as South America (Chile) and East Asia (Taiwan) among others.

View from the panorama road of Loser mountain to the southeast (Photo: Lüthgens 2023).