Geological highlights & links
TRAILER - Impressions of a geoexcursion to Peru
Volcanic eruption on La Réunion
The shield volcano Piton de la Fournaise on the French island of La Réunion in the Indian Ocean represents one of the most active volcanoes on Earth. This clip combines a sequence of four videos recorded during an eruption between 11 and 16 September 2016. Initially, lava and tephra were produced at several places along a fissure. Later on, the activity concentrated at one single spot where a cone of considerable dimensions evolved. Mergili, M., Villeneuve, N., Peltier, A, 2017. Geomorphologic evolution of the eruptive vent of September 2016 at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion). Geophysical Research Abstracts 19, EGU2017-8272. Download abstract Author: Martin Mergili, Institute of Applied Geology. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.
Useful links to external websites
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GBA Geologische Bundesanstalt Wien
ÖGG Österreichische Gesellschaft für Geomechanik, Salzburg
alpS / Adaptinfra - Climate Change Triggered System Changes of the High Mountain Geosphere - Risk Assessment and Adaptation of Infrastructure
Erdwissenschaftliches Zentrum der Universität Wien - Environmental Geosciences
GFZ Potsdam - Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam Berlin
Length changes of Austrian glaciers - Martin Mergili
Geomorphology images - Martin Mergili
NHM - Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Mineralogische Schausammlung
Ton-Werkstatt Walter Mottl, Wien
Die Geschichte der Erforschung des Vulkans Oldoinyo Lengai, Tansania, von F. Möckel, Deutschland
Tectonic Origin for Hawaii: Speculations on tectonic origin of the Hawaii hotspot, Artikel von I.O. Norton, Houston, Texas, USA
Amethyst Welt in Maissau, Niederösterreich, größte freigelegte Amethyst-Ader der Welt