Research at the IAG is motivated by an interest in observing and quantifying changes in human habitat as well as the use of georesources, with a research focus on but not limited to Austria.
Working groups investigate geohazards such as landslides, rates of environmental change during the Quaternary using geochronological methods, environmental changes of the geosphere, the sustainable use of georesources such as clay minerals, rocks or geothermal energy, and a wide variety of engineering geology issues.
The laboratory facilities are extensively equipped for clay mineralogical analyses, optical luminescence age determinations, and cosmogenic nuclide extraction. A GIS and modeling laboratory consisting of servers, workstations, and specialized software is available for numerical modeling and simulation of geological, geomechanical and hydrogeological processes. High-precision measurements of terrain surfaces and their deformations are performed with a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) and/or a ground-based InSAR as well as by various UAV systems (photogrammetry, infrared imaging).