RAP - A new radical approach to planning
General information
Planning is political. RAP seeks to formulate and test a Radical Approach to Planning in which political spaces for action are opened up, secured and expanded through participatory planning.
In doing so, we think with political theorist Hannah Arendt, who understands politics as a pluralistic space of encounter in which people with different experiential and professional knowledge meet, develop their opinions, and act.
RAP therefore asks:
- What are the moments of political action in the planning process and how can different actors (such as planners, architects, and civil society organisations) recognise them?
- Which strategies and tactics in the planning process and in its outcomes open up spaces for political action? How are these spaces kept open and expanded?
- What political, economic, social and spatial conditions are necessary and desirable for these spaces for political action?

RAP examines these questions theoretically and through the analysis of innovative European planning practices in the fields of collaborative housing, urban renewal and park planning. Together with planners, architects, civil society organisations and other participants, and with Hannah Arendt's concepts, we will critically explore these different planning processes and facilitate networking and knowledge exchanges across them. In the following step, we will use creative methods such as simulation games and theater performances to develop and test a radical approach to planning.
Project duration: 01/2022-12/2023
This project is supported by FWF as part of the 1000-Ideas-Programme 2022.
Principal Investigator:
DI Drin Rita Mayrhofer
Institut für Landschaftsplanung (ILAP)
Department für Raum, Landschaft und Infrastruktur
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Peter-Jordan-Straße 65, 1180 Wien, Austria