Planning Quality
The issue of planning quality deals with the extent to which planning is able to meet the demands that were put on it. This entails looking at a greatly complex system in which technical and societal demands are placed both on the planning result as well as on the planning process.
Four dimensions of planning quality are looked at in this context: (1) the content-related dimension addresses the question, whether the planning results support a sustainable spatial development; (2) the technical and methodical dimension examines the quality of inventories, analyses, the process of setting goals and measures as well as of the impact assessment of planning measures, e.g. in an explanatory report or strategic environmental impact assessment; (3) the process dimension of quality focuses on issues such as transparency and participatory quality of the decision-making process; (4) the legal dimension deals with democratic legitimation, legal conformity, viability for approval and legal certainty of planning decisions.
For further information please contact Univ.Prof. Dr. Gernot Stöglehner
Exemplary publications
Stöglehner, G. (2017): Stichwort Planungsqualität: Definition gesucht - Annäherung gefunden! RaumDialog 1/2017: 6-9. Seher, W. (2017): Thema Planungsqualität: Landwirtschaft und Raumplanung. RaumDialog 1/2017: 16-17.
Veranstaltung: PlanerInnentag 2017: Planungsqualität in der Raumordnung in Österreich - Vom Anspruch zur Umsetzung. Veranstaltet von der Kammer für Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten in Kooperation mit dem IRUB.