Environmental Impact Assessments
In the field of environmental impact assessments Prof. Stöglehner accompanied the implementation of the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (SEA) in Austria from the beginning of his scientific career. His dissertation deals with the question how the SEA can be implemented in spatial planning in such a way that it can be put into practice and is in accordance with the regulations. Based on these findings he functioned as expert advisor, among others for the implementation of the SEA in the Spatial Planning Act of Lower Austria. In his habilitation and based on the evaluation of implementation practice he dealt with the question how the environmental impact assessment can be modelled into an instrument of environmental planning, so that it may encourage social learning in the planning process and convey the usefulness of this instrument to planning practice.
This is closely linked to the discourse on quality and the development of planning and evaluation methods. How the environmental impact assessment can be established as a means of assuring planning quality and which methods may support this process is analysed in this context. Taking it another step further questions of sustainability assessment are dealt with as well.
For further information please contact Univ.Prof. Dr. Gernot Stöglehner
Exemplary Publications
Stöglehner, G. (2014): SUP-Qualität im Planungsalltag – Überlegungen zur Planung- und Prüfmethodik. UVP-Report, 28 (3+4): 107-112.
Bond, A., Morrison-Saunders, A., Stoeglehner, G. (2012): Designing an effective sustainability assessment process. In Bond, A., Morrison-Saunders, A., Howitt R. (Eds.) Sustainability Assessment: Pluralism, Practice and Progress. First ed. London: Routledge.
Stoeglehner, G., Neugebauer, G. (2012): Integrating Sustainability Assessment into Planning: benefits and challenges. In: Bond, A., Morrison-Saunders, A., Howitt R. (Eds.) Sustainability Assessment: Pluralism, Practice and Progress. First ed. London: Routledge.
Stöglehner, G. (2010): SUP und Strategie - eine Reflexion im Lichte strategischer Umweltprobleme. UVP-report, 23(5): 262-266.
Stoeglehner, G. (2010): Enhancing SEA effectiveness: lessons learnt from Austrian experiences in spatial planning. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 28(3): 217-231.
Stöglehner, G. (2010): SUP und Strategie - eine Reflexion im Lichte strategischer Umweltprobleme. UVP-report, 23(5): 262-266.
Stöglehner, G., Morrison-Saunders, A., Early, G. (2010): Comparing Legislative Mechanisms for SEA Screening and Decision-making: Austrian and Australian Experiences. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 12(4): 399-423.
Stoeglehner, G., Brown, A.L., Kornov, L. (2009): SEA and planning: 'ownership' of SEA by the planners is the key to its effectiveness. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 27(2): 111-120.