DI Alexandra Strauss-Sieberth, Bed
Teamleitung Didaktik
Tel.: +43 1 47654-31213
Mobile: +43 664 1847656
Email: alexandra.strauss-sieberth(at)boku.ac.at
- didactical individual and group consulting
- didactical training for tutors and BOKU instructors
- Teaching Portfolio Support
- Development of new training formats
- Coordination Ars Docendi
- Coordinantion and implementation "BOKU Lehrpreis" and "Abend des Lehrens und des Lernens"
- Collaboration in national and international projects on the subject of teaching as well as publications with focus on teaching
- Collaboration in workgroups with the focus on teaching
DI Dr.nat.techn. Andreas Zitek, MSc
Tel.: +43 1 47654-31212
Mobile: +43 676 7806515
Email: andreas.zitek(at)boku.ac.at
- Didactical individual and group consulting
- Didactical training for tutors and teachers
- Development of innovative digital teaching and learning spaces
- Innovator in the field of E-Learning and Didactic
- Initiator and coordinator of the E-Multipliers-team
- Support and implementation of online examinations
- Collaboration and project management of national and international teaching projects, as well as publications with a focus on Teaching
- Collaboration in university workgroups with focus on digitalisation and teaching
Verena Vlajo, MSc
Tel.: +43 1 47654-31218
Email: verena.vlajo(at)boku.ac.at
- Didactical individual and group consulting
- Didactical training for tutors and teachers
- Coordination of the didactical training events and evaluation
- Development of new training formats
- Coordination Ars Docendi
- Coordination "BOKU Lehrpreis" and implementation "Abend des Lehrens und des Lernens"
- Support for online examinations
- Collaboration in national and international projects on the subject of teaching
- Involvement in university workgroups with a focus on teaching
Our "E-Multipliers" are student employees who have been trained specifically for the field of digital teaching. The main areas of activity of the six e-Multipliers include the following:
- Implementation of digital teaching concepts
- Implementation of online examinations
- Audit-Supervision of online examinations
- Peer learning: Training for tutors
- Video production and editing
If you are in need of support in any of these areas, please send your support-request to: e-mp(at)boku.ac.at
- Katharina Bogojevski
- Sonja Reimoser
- Lisa Wagner
- Helin Cakmak
- Michaela Kratochvil