Teaching BOKU-StartBOKU UniversityWorking at BOKU UniversityTopics for staffTeaching This page is available under these URLs: https://boku.ac.at/en/universitaet-fuer-bodenkultur-wien-boku/arbeiten-an-der-boku/themen-fuer-mitarbeiter-innen/lehre https://short.boku.ac.at/5922yo Knowledge, skills and abilities Important information regarding teaching at BOKU University Administration of Teaching and Learning Information, application forms and contacts to topics regarding planning of the academic year, lecture planning, teaching entrustement, teaching remuneration, contracts to teach for external lecturers or as third-funded employee, tutors, etc. Didactics E-Learning E-Learning at BOKU has the potential to change teaching and learning. Surveys on students and alumni Periodically, students and alumni are asked for feedback on teaching and learning and the learning environment. This feedback is of high relevance and helps to further develop the curricula, individual courses and to enhance the teaching and learning environnment. Search Similar Pages from the BOKUweb