735339 Market-oriented innovation processes

Lecture and exercise
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Offered in
Wintersemester 2022/23
Languages of instruction


The course is divided into four blocks that differ in volume. Selected methods will be addressed in detail others only roughly – in this particular cases the reference to other relevant courses and teachers who handle these methods in detail will be given.

1.From market to market-related product ideas
•determine market based needs for action (E.g. Delphi, market analysis)
•determine competition related needs for action (E.g. analysis of competition, portfolio analysis)
•determine business-related need for action (such as customer satisfaction analysis)
•determine and provide capacities (E.g. target budgeting)

2.From product ideas to product concepts
•Generating product ideas (E.g. creativity methods, lead user analysis)
•Evaluating product ideas (E.g. value, net present value, risk assessment)

3.From product concept to product
•Definition of product requirements (for technical task )
•Collection of product requirements (E.g. SWOT analysis)
•Structuring, weighting and rating of product requirements (E.g., AHP, conjoint analysis)
•Documenting product requirements (E.g. QFD, specifications)
•Cost planning
•Analyze current product functions and structures
•Searching solution principles for partial functions and their structures (E.g. TRIZ)
•Combining solution principles to concept variants (E.g. Morphologischer box)
•Reviewing product concepts (E.g. concept test)
•Collection and evaluation of market information (E.g. market potential evaluation)
•Develop and review of marketing concepts
•(target) cost planning (E.g. product reverse engineering)
•Evaluation and selection of solution concepts
•Product development (E.g. rules of design)
•Product test (E.g. market test)
•Production plan (I.e. MDS, costing)

4.From product to the market and to success
•product manufacture and product launch (E.g. product launch planning)
•profitability check (E.g. target budgeting)
•marketing review and optimization (E.g. customer satisfaction analysis)

EXERCISES: To complete each block selected case studies will be individually selected by the students - to do this, the students select a company and play through individual aspects on the basis of these companies.

Previous knowledge expected

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

The course aims at introducing methodological tools to support the process of innovation.

An interdisciplinary and practice-oriented approach is focused regarding the selection, evaluation and processing of relevant methods and concepts.

The systematic and transparent presentation of the process chain "from market to the product" with an according tool box of practical methods offers possibilities to tightened up and improve the quality in the process of innovation. Hence, new products can be designed faster and offered in the market.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.