790350 Bioprocess engineering I

Lecture and exercise
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Offered in
Wintersemester 2023/24
Languages of instruction



Both lecture and exercises are offered in the form of distance learning. There are therefore no restrictions regarding the number of participants, which has always been limited to 80 persons due to the spatial requirements.

The previously valid regulations regarding compulsory attendance will be abolished. Participation in exercises and theory lectures are no longer compulsory but voluntary.

However, the timely submission of exercises in handwritten scanned form as PDF file is mandatory. The exercises will be checked randomly and will be included in the final evaluation with 20% as before. The positive completion of the exercises can only be achieved by handing in all the exercises - if an exercise is not handed in, this is accompanied by a negative evaluation of the exercise part. Successful completion of the exercises is a prerequisite for admission to the examination of the theoretical part of the lecture, which is included in the overall evaluation with 80%.


Oxygen transport
Heat transport
Rheological properties of biological fluids
Material and energy balances
Kinetics of product formation
Up- and Downscale of bioprocesses
Process monitoring
Data processingProzess Kontrolle
PAT (porces analytical technology and QbD concepts)
Downstream processing of biopharmaceuticals overview
Downstream processing in industrial biotechnology
Unit operations/ Centrifugation, Membrane Filtration, Cell Lysis, Adsorption/Chromatography
Pore diffusion rmodel to predict process chromatography

Previous knowledge expected

Basics chemical engineering knowledge is requested. This includes basics in heat, mass, momentum transfer, and basisc in thermodynamics. Solutions of diferential equations (ODE solver).

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

After completion of this course, students are able to generate a functional specification for a biotechnological production plant for the production of a biological compound. The design includes up and downstream processing.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.