853315 Landscape planning project (landscape planning, recreational planning, environment protection and planning, spatial planning, water planning)
- Type
- Project course
- Semester hours
- 5
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Organisation
- Offered in
- Wintersemester 2023/24
- Languages of instruction
- Deutsch
- Content
If you are interested to join the course please do register – even for the waiting list. If necessary there will be further groups!
Group 1 (Prof. Arne Arnberger). Nature conservation planning of protected areas with focus on protected area zoning
- International (IUCN, UNESCO...) guidelines and national regulations for protected area planning (national parks, biosphere reserves, wilderness areas, WHS...) with focus on zoning
- Types of zoning
- Requirements for zones
- Good and bad examples of zonings, how to solve potential conflicts
- Contributions to sustainable protected area planning
Students work in groups and analyse the zoning of different protected areas and protected area types in different countries (desktop research). Students compare the zoning of protected areas with (inter)national guidelines and with other protected areas and protected area types. Based on these comparisons, they know about the disadvantages and advantages of zoning types and are able to solve zoning-based conflicts contributing to sustainable protected area planning.
Group 1: mandatory preliminary meeting and introduction as regards content: 17.10.17; 17:00–19:00, EG02, Simonyhaus
Further mandatory dates for all groups: 14.11.17, 12.12.17, 23.1.18 (16:00–19:00)
> questions regarding this group exclusively to arne.arnberger@boku.ac.at
- Previous knowledge expected
Group 1: attendance of the lecture VO 853307 Planning and management of protected areas would be advantageous.
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
Group 1 (Prof. Arne Arnberger).
The students
- know the international (IUCN, UNESCO...) guidelines and national regulations for protected area planning, and for protected area types (national parks, biosphere reserves, wilderness areas, WHS) with focus on zoning
- name the various zoning systems of protected areas and other areas;
- notice problems arising from the relevant zoning;
- improve zoning and solve zoning problems.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.