893332 Simulation and optimisation of energy efficiency and renewable energy systems in buildings
- Type
- Lecture and exercise
- Semester hours
- 4
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Kling, Bernhard , Rzihacek, Constanze , Wolf, Magdalena
- Organisation
- Chemical and Energy Engineering
- Offered in
- Sommersemester 2025
- Languages of instruction
- Englisch
- Content
This course introduces a simulation tool frequently used in building services engineering for the dynamic simulation of buildings:
IDA Indoor Climate and Energy (IDA ICE - https://www.equa.se/de/ida-ice)
With this programme, it is possible to map various building-specific key figures such as solar input, heating demand, power demand, etc. Current climate data that is available worldwide is used for this purpose. The results can be mapped on an hourly basis throughout the year, allowing the building's energy balance to be quantified.
In addition, technical measures to increase energy efficiency or reduce energy consumption can be dynamically modelled and quantified. Different control strategies and controllers can be simulated and their effects on the indoor climate (temperature, humidity) evaluated. Various technical systems (heat generators, geothermal probes, photovoltaics, heating and cooling output systems) can be integrated and their effect on the building mapped.
This tool can be used to
- simulate the indoor climate of a building in a multi-zone model
- Different heat generators can be simulated
- Determine the effect of various heating and cooling delivery systems
- quantify the effect of various influences of shading and geometry on energy efficiency
- Test various control strategies
- and much more...
The course is structured as follows:
1.) Basics of dynamic building modeling
2.) Introduction to IDA ICE
3.) Structure of the building model in IDA ICE
4.) Structure of building technology in IDA ICE
5.) Optimization of the energy system
6.) Independent project work
After a familiarisation phase, students work on an independent project. This involves modelling a building of their own choice in the software and carrying out various variation simulations.
- Previous knowledge expected
893.330 Energy efficient heating, cooling and hot water supply of buildings (in Eng.) and 893.331 Building technology and smart building engineering (in Eng.) must be completed.
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
Students are familiar with tools that can be used to dynamically map buildings and evaluate their energy efficiency. They are able to map various buildings with these tools and derive measures to optimize primary energy consumption.
Students have the ability to plan energy generation systems for building technology in a conceptual and simulation-based manner. They will also be able to make basic techno-economic assessments of the respective technologies.
Students know methods for optimizing energy generation systems in building services engineering and can apply these to practical examples.
Students know the technical options for energy generation (heating, cooling, electrical energy) that are relevant in building services engineering and can describe and outline them. They know the advantages and disadvantages of these technologies as well as key figures to describe the systems and their efficiency.
Students know the terms “heat”, “heat flow”, “power”, “exergy”, “anergy”, “efficiency”, “coefficient of performance” and “Carnot efficiency” and can describe them.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.