976301 Production of primary food of animal origin

Lecture and seminar
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Gierus, Martin
Animal Nutrition, Livestock Products and Nutrition Physiology
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


Further points are discussed in the lecture content:

- Key figures of Austrian agriculture
- Growth and tissue
- Pork & meat
- Beef & meat
- Poultry & meat
- Slaughtering
- Meat quality
- Food Safety
- Milk
- Egg
- Other mammals
- Aquaculture

Previous knowledge expected

no substantive conditions required

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

The students are capable to reproduce the relevant practical knowledge, will be able to give their expertise as well as to identify relationships, describe and discuss topics of animal production.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.