832342 Natural resources management in mountainous areas III - wildlife problems

Lecture and seminar
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Mattsson, Brady
Wildlife Biology and Game Management
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


Approaches to management that promote viability of wildlife populations and their coexistence with people in mountainous regions. Particular emphasis on ecological and socio-economic considerations that are crucial for effective management.

Main topics include:
1)Species life histories and population dynamics as they pertain to conservation and management practices
2)Interactions between land use and wildlife populations, e.g. farming, recreation, forestry, power lines
3)Best practices for planning with multiple stakeholder groups, implementation, and adapting to system change and uncertainty

Illustrated examples on focal species groups, including large carnivores, ungulates, rodents, and grouse.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Students explain and exemplify the importance of ecology and human dimensions for the successful management of wildlife and their habitats in mountainous regions. Given a particular context, students critically examine alternative management strategies (e.g., create and sustain habitat corridors) and how these are linked to management objectives (e.g., maintain wildlife population viability) via wildlife-habitat relationships. Further, students identify competing objectives between focal stakeholder groups and outline how these are reconciled through participatory planning processes. Students also interpret results of predictive models and knowledge synthesis approaches to inform wildlife management decisions in mountain ecosystems.

Students work in small groups to select an important wildlife management issue in a mountainous region, synthesize relevant literature regarding management approaches outcomes, create a powerpoint presentation based on the synthesis, and orally present this during a symposium for fellow students and the instructor in a coherent manner. Students also formulate questions about presentations by other groups during the symposium.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.