832342 Natural resources management in mountainous areas III - wildlife problems (in Eng.)

Vorlesung und Seminar
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Mattsson, Brady
Wildbiologie und Jagdwirtschaft
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2025
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


In the course, we delineate mountains' topoclimatology and the referring habitat peculiarities for wildlife. Based on selected key species, we put particular emphasis on biological, ecological and/or socio-economic issues and characteristics being meaningful for reasonable management. Thereby, the following main issues are addressed: (a) population dynamics and their relevance for regulatory operations, conservation efforts, and harvesting, (b) ungulate game and livestock damages in alpine grassland/pastures and in subalpine-montane forests, (c) predisposition of forests towards various damages caused by forestry or other land use practices (d) impacts of forestry on habitat suitability, (e) influences of other land use (practices) on wildlife habitats, e.g. human recreation activities or collision incidents on elevated cables. Finally, given (best practice) examples of management planning and implementation as well as referring challenges, options and problems (case examples) are considered.


After passing the course, a student recognizes the meaning of different biotopes/habitats in terms of biodiversity and he/she is able to outline human impact on habitat suitability. The student has he competence to depict different options in habitat management, e.g., the creation and promotion of habitat networks (including stepping stones and corridors). Additionally, the student can specify a selection of important procedures, ranging from general, multivariate (explanatory or prognostic) stats up to wildlife-specific, partially non-parametric approaches. After passing the seminar, the student is able to identify relevant specialist literature and to cite and reflect it correctly. The student has the ability to interpret wildlife-habitat-relations causally, to contrast different habitat evaluation procedures and to question them in a critical way. In newly evolving questions of habitat modelling, the student can make a substantiated choice within a palette of available procedures; he/she can partially further develop existing approaches and interpret them comparatively. Based on this, the student is able to give a generally valid judgment of wildlife-habitat-models, which allows him/her for decision-making in management questions and in multiple-use-problems.
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