872000 GIS and remote sensing in geosciences

Lecture and exercise
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Straka, Wolfgang
Applied Geology
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


GIS and remote sensing are very important tools in the geosciences for a variety of questions (map representations, topographic typing, terrain and change analyses, etc.). The aim of the course is to understand these tools from data collection to data evaluation and to apply them to specific problems in a meaningful and efficient way. The specific questions in the lecture relate to applications in the area of alpine natural hazards and geomorphological/geological processes, but are also transferable to other applications in forestry and hydrology.
The following contents are covered:
- Map base data from Open Data (procurement of worldwide terrain representations and topographic maps)
- Structure of a GIS project (coordinate system, layer structure, etc.)
- File formats e.g. 3D data, 2D raster, image data
- Laser scan data as a basis for mapping and calculations
- QGIS and SAGA GIS (similarities and differences)
- Geo-hazard mapping
- Channel network calculation
- Recognizing, interpreting and understanding terrain changes
- Creating meaningful maps and reports
Prior knowledge of the GIS programs ArcGIS or QGIS is a prerequisite for the course.
Proof of performance is provided in the form of project work (creation of a report).

Previous knowledge expected

Basic understanding of computing, basic knowledge of Geographic Information Systems e.g. ArcGIS or QGIS

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Ability to independently and creatively use GIS and remote sensing techniques for various tasks in applied geosciences.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.