854105 Project in landscape planning

Project course
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Staller, Susanne , Özhan, Zehra , Friesenecker, Michael , Gattringer, Stefanie , Hirschsteiner, Nadine , Lamport, Leonie , Reinmüller, Sophie , Welt, Lisa Maria , Leischner, Sarah , Rosa De Pauli, Cecilie , Schieferle, Amelie , Gehmacher, Hannah , Brandner, Anjoulie , Karlinger, Aurélie , Baumgartner, Maria , Scherner, Mark , Zimmermann, Thomas , Wentz, Jana , Weichselbaumer, Roswitha
Landscape Planning
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


Students can choose between groups on different topics and case study areas.

The topics are tightly linked to the chosen planning area and can vary accordingly.

Depending on the local circumstances the focus can be e.g. spatial planning, open planning, urban planning, cultural landscapes, planning and development of rivers.

The project includes a five-day field trip for the on-site research and analysis.

More information about the different groups will follow at the end of februrary 2020.


Previous knowledge expected

Knowledge of landscape and open space planning fundamentals of the lectures and exercises from the 1st semester are required.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

The aims of this project:

- practicing methods of landscpep planning in a real setting.

- developing planning solutions on various planning scales e.g. land use structure plan, landscape plan, green open space structure plan, etc.

- deepening the understanding of the theories of landscape planning

- improving the skills in documentation and presentation of planning topics and results

- working in small groupes to develop social competence and to train team work

You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.