831307 Austrian habitats

Field trip
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Fiebig, Markus , Kriechbaum, Monika , Pachinger, Baerbel , Kunz, Florian , Frank, Thomas , Tremetsberger, Karin , Knufinke, Jörg Fabian , Kohler-Schneider, Marianne , Winkler, Manuela , Rasran, Leonid
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


1.National park Neusielder See-Seewinkel
2.Nature conservation area Hainburger Berge
3.Eastern alpine habitats (Rax)
4.National park Donau Auen, Lobau
5.Agricultural landscape Tullner Feld
6.Cultural landscape Waldviertel


Previous knowledge expected

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

After successful completion of this course, the students are able to judge the quality of complexes of habitats according to their habitat characteristics and external conditions, to estimate the potential of biodiversity and to recognize and define structures for possible elements of the flora, fauna and vegetation. The professional diversity of the instructors, who present different focal topics such as national park, natural area, conservation, hunt, bioindicators, agriculture, etc., allows the students to recognize and assess potentials and deficits of the landscape. Moreover, the knowledge of species of the students with regard to important indicator species is enlarged.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.