871363 Introduction to natural hazard management
- Type
- Lecture
- Semester hours
- 1.5
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Pichler, Andreas , Scheidl, Christian
- Organisation
- Mountain Risk Engineering
- Offered in
- Wintersemester 2024/25
- Languages of instruction
- Deutsch
- Content
General conspectus of natural hazards and responsibilities, flood directive, water framework directive
The course provides students with an introduction to the system of natural hazard management. Both the basic concepts and objectives of protection against natural hazards, as well as the measures and their protective effect are mediated.
Building on the model of the "risk cycle" are before the individual sectors (prevention, prearrangement, preparedness, coping) and measures categories and represented by a natural disaster.
The course provides an overview of the legal foundations, the most important institutions (public, private) and system of measures concerning its effects.
Special attention is paid to "classical" protection concepts, in particular planning measures (eg danger zone planning), technical protection measures and the measures of disaster preparedness and disaster response.
Students also receive an overview of the concepts of risk management and risk communication and will become familiar with current trends.
- Previous knowledge expected
Basic knowledge of natural hazards.
Basic knowledge of the Austrian Constitution and Administrative law.
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
general conspectus of natural hazards and responsibilities
The lecture is to provide students with the principles of natural hazard management to the extent of putting the gained detailed knowledge of the courses of the Master programme "Alpine Natural Hazards / Torrent and Avalanche Control" in a systematic context.
The graduate of the course should be able to classify specific protective measures concerning its effects and evaluate them.
Students learn, in the frame of planning potective measures to develope an optimal protection concept and programme of measures out of the protection goal or in a broader sense, tob e able to identify the most effective and cost-efficient combination of active and passiv measures – regarding the actual risk potential.
A basic understanding of the socio- political framework of the NGm shall be learned.
A deepening of the matter takes place in the lecture " Natural hazard policies and adaptation strategies " (871.356).
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.