752327 Cereal technology

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Frauenlob, Johannes , Hüttner-Wilkinson, Edith
Food Technology
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


World grain production, botanic aspects and components of grain, importance of cereals for the human nutrition, dietary fibre, seed-breeding and grain quality, varieties of grain, bread cereals; Milling technology: dockage and cleaning, storage, milling, methods of analysis and quality figures of wheat and rye, Codex-chapter B20; production of brewing malt and malt for baking purposes; baking technology: definition and systematic of baked goods, biochemical, microbiological and technological interactions: dough process, physical, chemical and biological dough leavening, yeast and sour-dough fermentation, baking process. Function and composition of baking additives. Production of bread and smalls, cereal based food stuff, granola bars, breakfast cereals, extruded products, pasta.

Previous knowledge expected

Basics of the an-organic, organic and biochemistry, microbiology and processing technique (expected learning outcomes and achieved competences based on 217 Food- and Biotechnology, UG2002/13U, Bachelor curriculum).

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

The learning outcomes involve detailed knowledge and professional skills in the field of cereal technology including baking technology. Theoretic knowledge and practical skills refer to newest technologies, identified and evaluated in a complex practice based environment.
The students
- are aware of the importance of grain in the global agriculture and human nutrition;
- distinguish the grain varieties based on botanic aspects and their components;
- evaluate the analysis of dietary fibre and the physiological effect;
- review the influencing factors on grain quality including seed-breeding;
- explicate the bread cereals, their storage and processing in milling technology;
- compare cleaning processes in the mill to remove dockage;
- choose methods of analysis to evaluate the quality of grain and flour;
- interpret the process parameter in malting;
- define and classify baked goods;
- evaluate the biochemical, microbiological and technological interactions in the dough process, the physical, chemical and biological leavening and in the baking process;
- demonstrate the application of yeast and sour-dough fermentation;
- deduce the function of baking additives from their composition;
- distinguish the process of rye-bread and wheat-smalls production;
- discuss cereal based food-stuff, granola bars, breakfast cereals, extruded products and pasta.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.