736321 Legislation in environmental and plant protection affairs
- Type
- Lecture
- Semester hours
- 2
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Rathmayer, Florian , Putz, Jasmin , Vouk, Lea
- Organisation
- Law
- Offered in
- Wintersemester 2024/25
- Languages of instruction
- Deutsch
- Content
The lecture provides an introduction to the legal foundations of environmental protection and a closer discussion of plant protection law.
Plant protection legislation includes legal measures for the control of diseases and pests (e.g., fire blight, corn rootworm) on plants and, in particular, regulations on the authorisation and use of chemical pesticides. The following are detailed: the competences of the EU and Member States in the area of plant protection legislation; the decision-making on EU level (institutions, codecision, delegated acts, implementing acts, comitology); and national discretion. The procedure for the authorisation of active substances and plant protection products (e.g., glyphosate) will be dealt with at the EU and national levels. It also discusses the rules governing the import, export, and transfer of plants in the Union, as well as the various plant quarantine measures. In addition, the organisation of the Amtlicher Österreichischer Pflanzenschutzdienst is taught.
The course is rounded off by a discussion of areas of law that are closely linked to plant protection law, e.g., soil protection law, which deals with the use of fertilisers, or genetic engineering law, in which the legal basis for green genetic engineering is particularly relevant. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) also has an impact on the phytosanitary sector: the Single Payment Scheme, Cross Compliance, ÖPUL, and Integrated Production are explained.
- Previous knowledge expected
No prior knowledge is required.
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
After completing the course students are able to:
- Describe the key functions of the European Union, to explain decision-making in the EU and the interaction of EU and national law;
- Understand regulations at Union and national levels in the areas of plant protection products and plant health;
- Outline the procedure for the authorisation of active substances and plant protection products at the Union and national law levels;
- Discuss the different legal instruments in the area of pest control;
- Provide basic legal knowledge in the areas of soil protection and genetic engineering;
- Identify specific legal provisions under the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) with regard to plant protection and fertilisation;
- Use the acquired legal knowledge to assess and answer practical questions.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.