790044 Safety at work

Lecture and exercise
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Hofinger-Horvath, Andreas , Luchner, Markus , Dürauer, Astrid
Biotechnology and Food Science
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


Basic understanding and knowledge in the context of occupational health and safety:
-Responsibility from legal perspective (J. Gruber, BOKU Legal Department)
-Legal basics in the AschG (I. Hejkrlik, Arbeitsinspektorat Wien)
-Good laboratory Practice & Labelling of Chemicals in accordance to GHS (A. Dürauer, BOKU DBT)
-How to categorize, label and handle biologicals (M. Luchner, BOKU DBT)
-How to get information on hazards and precautionary of a chemical (MSDS); How to handle toxic compounds in the laboratory; How to handle and dispose chemical, biological and hazardous waste (A. Hofinger-Horvath, BOKU DCH)
-Personal Protection Equipment PPE – information & handling; Basics on the health and safety act for work space (E. Griebl, BOKU Stabsstelle ArbeitnehmerInnenschutz)
-Risk assessment of working environment and activities (G. Kaspar, Allgemein/Arbeitsmedizinerin)
-Safety of machinery (C. Schenk, AUVA)
-Basics of fire safety and control (M. Pongracz, BOKU Brandschutzbeauftragter)
-5S Concept of industrial safety (H. Weiser, Boehringer-Ingelheim RCV)
-Near miss, accident & accident analysis (M. Hubmann-Tauber, Boehringer-Ingelheim RCV)
-Occupational health and medicine in the context of safety at work (B. Alber, IBG, BOKU Arbeitsmedizinerin)
-Constitutional actions at work (K. Sleytr, BOKU Betriebliche Gesundheitsmanagerin)

Previous knowledge expected


Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

After this course the stundents are familiar with important issues in the context of safety at work and are able to apply them in their daily business. They will notice and assess potential risk in their working environment and also know how to reduce the risk by appropriate actions. This course will also raise the stundents´awareness and knowledge on the handling of hazardous chemicals and biologicals. They will be familiar with labelling and classification in accordance to the GHS and they will know where to find and what to learn from safety data sheets. They know about the importance of personal protection equipment and how to handle it properly. After the course students will be able to name and assign terms and definition from the fields of machinery and fire safety. They will also know basics of the Austrian industrial safety regulations.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.