112401 University didactics for doctoral candidates

Exercise course
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Weber, Elisabeth
Teaching and Learning Services
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


Please watch this intro video: https://youtu.be/ibxPsmePFPM

Role, function, teaching responsibilities; instruction at BOKU
Learning principles
Student activation
Introduction to performance assessment
Specific characteristics of online instruction
Planning a session using Constructive Alignment


This is an online-only course including e-learning based modules and collegial exchange (via Zoom, dates see below). Students can make use of a 30-minute one-on-one coaching session. The course is location-independent and highly flexible. Thus, it fits neatly in the presumably busy schedules of students.

In addition to the input, tasks and exchange on the e-learning platform, students may receive a personal one-on-one online coaching session (dates by arrangement) and can join voluntary collegial exchange sessions via Zoom.

Dates for our collegial exchange (via Zoom):
Thursday, October 17 2024, 17:30 - 18:15
Thursday, November 7 2024, 17:30 - 18:15
Thursday, November 28 2024, 17:30 - 18:15

This course offers input via instructional videos; plus additional learning materials, assignments and collegial exchange. The setting aims at providing students with various hands-on opportunities for active and self-directed learning and the practical application of the content covered in the course and reflection on their own (future) instruction.

Previous knowledge expected

No content-related prerequisites. Teaching experience is also not required.
This course is ideally suited for anyone who intends to offer high-quality teaching at BOKU in the future.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

After successful completion of this course, students can …
•… argue their role, function, and responsibilities as (future) instructors at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna,
•… explain and apply fundamental principles of learning in their own teaching sessions,
•… demonstrate the importance of student activation for high quality instruction and choose appropriate methods for their own teaching sessions,
•…discuss basics of performance assessment and develop an assessment rubric for their own teaching sessions,
•… showcase specific characteristics of online instruction and develop their own teaching sessions appropriately,
•… prepare a teaching session based on Constructive Alignment (formulating learning outcomes, deducting content and methods, developing appropriate assessment strategies).
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.