Teaching and Learning Services BOKU-StartTeaching and Learning Services This page is available under these URLs: https://boku.ac.at/en/lehrentwicklung https://short.boku.ac.at/teaching-and-learning-services Events Feb25 Einführung in die Lehre Feb26 Einführung in die Lehre Feb27 BOKUlearn basics for teachers (in English)_online Show all events Show all events Management and Administration Head Dipl.-Ing. Claus Rainer Michalek Deputy Dipl.-Ing. BEd Alexandra Strauss-Sieberth Addresses & Contact Teaching and Learning Services Simon-Zeisel-Haus Muthgasse 11/II 1190 Wien × show more E-Learning and Didactics E-Learning und Didaktik Muthgasse 11/II 1190 Wien Contact: https://boku.ac.at/lehrentwicklung/e-learning-und-didaktik e-learning(at)boku.ac.at weitere Standorte E-Learning und Didaktik Peter-Jordan-Straße 70 1190 Wien Contact: https://boku.ac.at/lehrentwicklung/e-learning-und-didaktik didaktik(at)boku.ac.at × Children´sBOKU KinderBOKU Peter Jordan Straße 63A/I 1180 Wien Contact: https://boku.ac.at/lehrentwicklung/kinderboku × Lifelong Learning Simon-Zeisel-Haus Muthgasse 11/II 1190 Wien Contact: https://boku.ac.at/lehrentwicklung/lebenslanges-lernen ×