802013 Scientific Writing, Publishing and Reviewing

Lecture and seminar
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Reimhult, Erik
Offered in
Sommersemester 2024
Languages of instruction


This course is valuable to students writing papers in English about their engineering or scientific work. Interwoven into the course are three major objectives: the first is to gain an overview of the writing process itself, and refine the art of presenting your work in the most effective way. Practical exercises will primarily consist of homework assignments involving writing various sections (components) of a paper and discussing and evaluating them and their purpose in class. Students are expected to give each other feedback as part of this process. The second component is discussion of review and editing processes and the author’s role in this process. The students will be provided with anonymized examples from real editorial review processes. The third component is a review of scientific publishing practices to gain insight about what to consider when deciding where to submit you finished paper. An additional theme we will discuss throughout the class is the ethics of scientific publication and concerns new authors must address when writing and submitting scientific papers.
While excellence in scientific writing is the first and central objective, the students are introduced from the beginning to writing from the perspective of how a scientific article is handled in the scientific publishing and reviewing process.

Previous knowledge expected

Natural science study and and experience of scientific work on at least the level of a started master's thesis.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

*Recall stages of scientific writing and presentation techniques.
*Explain significance of journal selection and ethical considerations.
*Demonstrate writing proficiency across paper sections.
*Evaluate papers and apply feedback for improvement.
*Analyze publication outlets and critique research quality.
*Participate actively, valuing peer review and ethical communication.
*Commit to integrity, continuous improvement, and effective time management.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.