BOKU’s 10th Sustainability Day 2024
BOKU Sustainability Day on November 20th 2024

Warm Invitation to the BOKU Sustainability Day on November 20th, 2024
"Climate Minds: Active & Resilient Against Fear and Helplessness!"
This is the motto of this year's BOKU Sustainability Day.
How can we support people in becoming proactive instead of being overwhelmed by fear and helplessness? What strategies and measures help build resilience against the impacts of climate change on both an individual and societal level? How can we overcome the psychological barriers that prevent people from engaging in climate action? What role do education, communication, and awareness play in fostering a climate-positive mindset and reducing fear and helplessness around the climate crisis?
These and other guiding questions will shape the day's program.
This year, attendees can once again look forward to a rich program featuring exciting discussions, scientific presentations, interactive workshops, the BOKU Sustainability Awards, ample room for exchange and dialogue, and numerous sources of inspiration around the central theme. As keynote speakers, we are honored to welcome Dr. Karlheinz Valtl ("Being mindful to the planet") and Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Dr. med. univ. Martin Grassberger ("Aufbruch ins Ökozän") to BOKU!
The programm will mostly be held in German - although the scientific Pecha Kucha presentations will mostly be held in englisch.
Volunteers Wanted!
Become Part of BOKU Sustainability Day
To make our extensive program a reality, we need many helping hands. Volunteer tasks range from setup and dismantling, speaker support, to reception or info booth assistance.
If you’d like to be part of the BOKU Sustainability Day team, please reach out to!
As a thank-you, you’ll receive a goodie bag and a certificate for practice hours, e.g., for the UBRM mandatory internship.