Mini-Edition 2020: What future do we want?

The world is truly in motion. Almost every day we receive new, dramatic images of the destroyed environment or social crises. In addition, the Corona crisis has moved us as people and our social life on many levels.

  • How do we deal with such crisis times? What do they trigger in us?
  • Do we use the crisis as an opportunity to take new social paths or do we prefer to stick to the old images
  • What lessons can we learn from the corona crisis?
  • What visions of the future do we need in order to be motivated and energetic to implement changes?

These questions were examined together on the 6th BOKU Sustainability Day "Mini Edition".

The program was greatly reduced this year. The Pecha-Kucha sessions took place during the day. As part of the evening event, the BOKU sustainability prizes were then awarded. Prof. Eva Horn (cultural and literary scholar at the University of Vienna) and Prof. Wolfgang Lalouschek (specialist in neurology) were invited to provide input. You can find the program review HERE.


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