Guest lecture with John Rick Stepp: Contemporary issues of Ethnobotany and Biocultural Diversity Research (933017)
What is indigenous science and how is it linked to academia?? What is ecological anthropology? How to understand & conserve biocultural diversity?
An introductory course with guest professor John Rick Stepp, who has conducted research on topics of biocultural diversity over the last two decades: May 30 until June 1, 2017. The course includes following topics.
- Definitions, examples, state of the art, and the future for ethnobotany, ethnobiology, ethnoecology, ecological anthropology and related disciplines.
- Overview of biocultural diversity, history of the concept, global distribution and processes that contribute to it.
- How to study, understand & conserve biocultural diversity? (Examples, best practices, the role of local knowledge & traditional ecological knowledge, the nexus between indigenous science and academic science).
- …all topics depending on dynamics and interest of the participants!
For Students who want to participate, please register on BOKU Online (933017) now!
The exact times and dates are
- May 30, 1600 – 1830
- May 31, 1600 – 1830
- June 01, 1600 – 1830
A certificate will be granted for active regular presence plus a small homework (to be discussed in class) on a topic that.
More about John Rick Stepp:
John Richard (Rick) Stepp is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology and Tropical Conservation and Development Program at the University of Florida, USA. He is also a visiting professor at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Italy and was the Wilder Professor of Botany at the University of Hawaii.
He has conducted biocultural conservation research over the last two decades throughout the tropics.
His research explores persistence, change and variation of traditional ecological knowledge with a focus on medicinal and food plants. His work also examines patterns and causes in the distribution of biological and cultural diversity (biocultural diversity) on both regional and global scales.
He has served as editor of Journal of Ethnobiology and the founding editor of the Journal of Ecological Anthropology. Currently, he is senior associate editor of Economic Botany and editorial board member of Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine and Ethnobiology Letters, among others. He was president of the Society for Economic Botany and currently is president-elect of the International Society of Ethnobiology.