The Danube Strategy

Moderated debate “The Danube Strategy – Prosperity through Environmental Management?” in the Hub, Vienna, on 29 June.

Environmental issues form a key part of the Danube strategy, linking water management, transport, energy, tourism and innovation policies. Will an increased emphasis on the environment result in a more prosperous and stable Danube region? How can environmental management be made to support innovation, entrepreneurship and well-being in the whole Danube Region? These are some of the questions that will be answered to in the event.  

Link: The Danube Strategy:
Prosperity through Environmental Management?
June 29, 2011
Hub Vienna, Lindengasse 56, Top18-19
1070 Vienna
Environmental issues form a key part of the Danube strategy, linking water management, transport, energy, tourism and innovation policies. Will an increased emphasis on the environment result in a more prosperous and stable Danube region? This is the question we want to explore in our event. 18:15 Introduction to topic The Danube Strategy: How can environmental management support innovation,
entrepreneurship and development in the whole Danube Region?

Moderator: Dipl.Pol. Ralf Nordbeck,
InFER (Institute of Forest, Environmental and Natural Resource Policy) at the BOKU

Speaker 1: Dr. Werner Kvarda,
University Professor, Institut für Bodenforschung, BOKU

Speaker 2: Prof. Dr. Edita Stojic-Karanovic
President of the International Scientific Forum “Danube – River of Cooperation” in
Belgrade, Serbia.

Speaker 3: Susanne Brandstetter,
Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water
Management (Lebensministerium) / Section VII: Water
Speaker presentations and guided discussion

The form will be a guided discussion format led by the Moderator. Each speaker will have approximately 5-10 minutes to discuss their area of expertise, organization and current projects or research focus relating to the topic.

19:15 Moderated discussion Questions and audience interaction

20:00 Wrap-up and closure
Refreshments served * This project has been made possible by the support of the European Commission
