Acta Geotechnica's Impact
The international journal for geo-engineering "Acta Geotechnica" (Springer) was founded by Prof. W. Wu together with Prof. R. Borja (Stanford), Prof. C. Viggiani (Grenoble) and Prof. H.S. Yu (Nottingham) in 2006. According the recently released Impact Factors for 2010, Acta Geotechnica reached the 4th rank among the thirty SCI-listed journals in the category 'Engineering, Geological'. With an Impact Factor of 1.66 Acta Geotechnica has surpassed many well established journals in this field. The Impact Factor is determined by the ratio between the citations in this year to the number of published articles in the last two years, which provides some information on the impact of journals.
Acta Geotechnica is an international journal devoted to the publication and dissemination of basic and applied research in geoengineering – an interdisciplinary field dealing with geomaterials such as soils and rocks. Coverage emphasizes the interplay between geomechanical models and their engineering applications. The journal presents original research papers on fundamental concepts in geomechanics and their novel applications in geoengineering based on experimental, analytical and/or numerical approaches. The main purpose of the journal is to foster understanding of the fundamental mechanisms behind the phenomena and processes in geomaterials, from kilometer-scale problems as they occur in geoscience, and down to the nano-scale, with their potential impact on geoengineering.
Rank | Abbreviated Journal Title | ISSN | Total Cites | Impact Factor | Articles | Cited Half-life |
1 | EARTHQ SPECTRA | 8755-2930 | 1421 | 3.744 | 53 | 6.6 |
2 | GEOTEXT GEOMEMBRANES | 0266-1144 | 895 | 2.59 | 57 | 5 |
3 | B EARTHQ ENG | 1570-761X | 295 | 1.701 | 76 | 3 |
4 | ACTA GEOTECH | 1861-1125 | 173 | 1.66 | 22 | 3 |
5 | LANDSLIDES | 1612-510X | 461 | 1.625 | 41 | 4.4 |
6 | ENG GEOL | 0013-7952 | 2995 | 1.442 | 132 | 7.8 |
7 | EARTHQ ENG STRUCT D | 0098-8847 | 3163 | 1.403 | 83 | >10.0 |
8 | INT J ROCK MECH MIN | 1365-1609 | 3603 | 1.39 | 142 | >10.0 |
9 | ROCK MECH ROCK ENG | 0723-2632 | 688 | 1.192 | 65 | >10.0 |
10 | INT J NUMER ANAL MET | 0363-9061 | 1710 | 1.167 | 84 | 9.3 |
11 | GEOSYNTH INT | 1072-6349 | 425 | 1.065 | 36 | 6.3 |
12 | SOIL DYN EARTHQ ENG | 0267-7261 | 1369 | 1.01 | 129 | 6.9 |
13 | COMPUT GEOTECH | 0266-352X | 929 | 0.965 | 103 | 6.5 |
14 | GEOTECHNIQUE | 0016-8505 | 3993 | 0.92 | 74 | >10.0 |
15 | EARTHQ ENG ENG VIB | 1671-3664 | 234 | 0.88 | 55 | 4.6 |
16 | Q J ENG GEOL HYDROGE | 1470-9236 | 497 | 0.859 | 36 | >10.0 |
17 | J EARTHQ ENG | 1363-2469 | 605 | 0.843 | 59 | 5.6 |
18 | J ENVIRON ENG GEOPH | 1083-1363 | 263 | 0.837 | 18 | 5.9 |
19 | J GEOPHYS ENG | 1742-2132 | 212 | 0.805 | 42 | 3.8 |
20 | J GEOTECH GEOENVIRON | 1090-0241 | 2484 | 0.687 | 167 | 7.4 |
Drop in and have a look: Contact:
Prof.Dr.-Ing. Wei Wu (Editor-in-Chief)
Institut für Geotechnik, Department für Bautechnik und Naturgefahren
Tel. +43 1 47654-5551
Email: wei.wu(at)