Joint Seminar: National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 14 - 17 November 2011.

The workshop funded by the Austrian Sciecne Fund and the National Science Council Taiwan takes place at the National Cheng Kung University Tainan from 14. – 17.11.2011. It aims to foster the Austrian/Taiwanese scientific collabration and to develop collaborative research projects in the new field of Analytical Ecogeochemistry. The Austrian delegation headed by Thomas Prohaska (BOKU, Dept. Of Chemistry, VIRIS Laboratory) was bid farewell by Elisa Wang from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office Vienna. In Tainan/Taiwan dedicated researchers from different Taiwanese research institutions are met. The workshop aims at the mutual exchange of knowledge in the field of ecogeochemistry in order to enhance relations between the participating research groups for the further development of joint research projects in the field of analytical ecogeochemistry. Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry
