Alliance against Georisk
HYDRODRIL is funded in the FP7 Marie Curie IRSES scheme, especially the international exchange of scientific staff. The project with the acronym HYDRODRIL deals with landslides particularly hydrologically induced landslides. Landslides cause tremendous loss to life and property worldwide. Landslides induced by rainfall and snowmelt make the major part of all landslides. HYDRODRIL is funded within the scheme IRSES (International Research Staff Exchange Scheme) in Marie Curie program of FP7. Marie Curie's International Research Staff Exchange Scheme helps research organizations to set up or strengthen long-term cooperation with others, through a coordinated exchange program for their staff. The scientific goal of HYDRODRIL is to investigate and evaluate the risk and nature of hydrologically-driven landslides, therefore making a contribution to a better understanding of the relationship between small-scale deformations in soil/rock structures, the failure mechanisms induced by these deformations and the following large-scale dynamic behavior, as well as a detailed risk assessment program. The objective of the HYDRODRIL exchange program is to create a strong multidisciplinary network of researchers based both in the European Research Area (Austria and United Kingdom) and in the economical growing countries of China, India and Mexico. The consortium consists of the following partners from various disciplines, e.g. geotechnical engineering, geology and geography:
- University for Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria (coordinator)
- University of Nottingham, UK
- China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China
- Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
HYDRODRIL has the duration of four years starting from April 2012 and a budget of about 260.000 EUR. Contact:
Prof.Dr.-Ing. Wei Wu (Institute of Geotechnical Engineering)
+43 1 47654-5551