Kirkham Award 2012

Dr. Andreas Schwen receives a Kirkham Travel Grant of the Soil Science Society of America.

Dr. Andreas Schwen from the BOKU Institute of Hydraulics and Rural Water Management (Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment) will receive a 2000 US$ Kirkham Travel Grant from the Soil Science Society of America. By this, he is one out of five invited participants of the 2012 Kirkham Conference that takes place on November 28-30 in Palmerston North, New Zealand. This conference deals with recent aspects of soil physical research and is this year under the device “Exploring Frontiers in Soil Physics”. More information can be found following this link: Dr. Schwen will present results of his recent soil physical research with a presentation entitled „Spatial variations of soil hydraulic properties within two soil profiles and its relevance for soil water simulations: a hydropedological approach“.
