ERB Coordinator

Hubert Holzmann was nominated to be the new International Coordinator (President) of the Euromediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins (ERB).

The general assembly of the 14th biennial conference ERB 2012 held in September 2012 in St. Petersburg, Russia has nominated Dr. Hubert Holzmann as the International Coordinator (President) of the Euromediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins (ERB). He initiated the ERB membership of Austria in 2002 and organized the 13th ERB2010 conference in Seggauberg in his role as the national correspondent of Austria. The Euromediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins (ERB) is an open association of 22 European countries operating and managing well instrumented experimental and representative basins for hydrological and environmental research on a long term basis. The ERB network promotes the exchange of basin information and the cooperation in international programs as FRIEND, HELP and PUB. The Steering Committee of ERB consists of National Correspondents nominated by the UNESCO-IHP National Committees. ERB was established in 1986 and has organized fourteen biennial conferences since its beginning. The main objectives of ERB are :

  • To increase relationships between members, research teams, universities and basin managers, through exchanges of hydrological information, data, research methods, models and to organise visits and biennial conferences;
  • To enable joint studies of common interest
  • To promote exchange data between research groups.
  • To harmonize methods of data collection and processing.

More information about ERB and the past conferences can be found under the link:
