Joint Degree Master

"International Joint Master Programme in Limnology & Wetland Management" offered by BOKU, UNESCO-IHE, and Egerton University.

In the end of November, the contract for the first BOKU Master program which awards a joint degree was signed: the "international Joint Master Programme in Limnology & Wetland Management" is offered by BOKU together with UNESCO-IHE (The Netherlands) and Egerton University (Kenya). The Joint Degree Master Programme consists of 4-months study-periods at each of BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria), Egerton University in Njoro (Kenya), and UNESCO-IHE in Delft (The Netherlands), followed by a 6-months MSc research project in Kenya, Austria, The Netherlands, or any other cooperating institution in Eastern Africa. The picture shows the Vice-chancellor of Egerton, Prof. J. K. Tuitoek, the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs Prof. R. Mwonya, the Academic Registrar Prof. S. F. O. Owido as well as Prof. K. Irvine (UNESCO-IHE) during the contract signing ceremony. Further information:

IPGL Office, e-mail: gerold.winkler(at) & hanna.hentschel(at) Solutions developed through international partnerships is what everybody is talking about. The 18-months Joint Degree Master Programme in Limnology & Wetland Management is making this come true. The specific and unique expertise of different countries and institutions is combined into an excellent mix that is more than the sum of its parts. Studying in different countries, in various academic environments and meeting scientists from all over the world amplifies the benefits and values of working together. Intercultural communication skills are developed by experiencing different cultures and making international friends is an important objective of this programme. The 18-months Joint Degree Master Programme in Limnology & Wetland Management comprises of 4-months study-periods at each of BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna (Austria), Egerton University in Njoro (Kenya), and UNESCO-IHE in Delft (The Netherlands). LWM-students study the fundamentals in limnology and applied limnology at the renowned BOKU University. Unique tropical lakes and rivers, such as Lake Victoria (the world 2nd largest freshwater lake) and the famous Kenyan Rift Valley lakes, which are habitats of millions of flamingos are investigated in Kenya and participants are exposed to typical challenges in conservation and management of aquatic ecosystems in developing countries. At UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, LWM-students study wetland management and interactions with local lively-hood, processes and modelling of ecosystems. The 12-months course work is followed by a 6-months MSc research project through one of the partner institutes, either in Austria, Kenya, The Netherlands, or at any other cooperating institution in Eastern Africa. BOKU students may also choose any course modules offered by Egerton University and UNESCO-IHE as elective courses within theirs regular MSc study-programmes at BOKU. LWM PROGRAMME OUTLINE Austrian semester at BOKU (October – January)

  • Basics in Limnology
  • Ecology of Aquatic Organisms
  • Basics in Applied Limnology
  • Aquatic Ecosystem Management
  • Scientific Methods

Kenyan semester at Egerton University (February – May)

  • Lake Ecology
  • Ecology of Streams and Rivers
  • Wetlands for Water Quality
  • Fisheries & Aquaculture

Netherlands semester at UNESCO-IHE (June – September)

  • Wetlands for Livelihoods and Conservation
  • Aquatic Ecosystems: Processes and Applications
  • Data Analysis and Modelling for Aquatic Ecosystems
  • Groupwork
  • Research methods & Summer School

MSc project (October to April in Austria, Kenya, The Netherlands, or any other country)

  • MSc Research Proposal Writing & MSc Proposal Defence, incl Logistics, Site Assessment,    Application & Societal Relevance
  • MSc Research and Thesis writing

Applications should be sent to the IPGL office at BOKU, Austria – application forms are available at: The LWM-programme is financially supported by the Austrian Development Cooperation via the CAPAQUA-Project with the aim to strengthen educational institutions and building expert-capacity in Eastern Africa. Web links:

Unesco-Ihe Egerton university  LWM Joint Master Programme
