Metabolomics at BOKU VIBT

Sandoz Kundl and the Department of Chemistry launch a new project aiming at the quantification of metabolites and metabolic flux analysis in cellular systems.

In a joint project Sandoz Kundl and the Department of Chemistry (Gunda Köllensperger and Stephan Hann) set up analytical methods for investigation of the central carbon cycle in cellular systems comprising mass spectrometry based metabolite quantification and metabolic flux analysis. The project is carried out in the framework of the Core Facility Cellular Analysis ( ) and intends to represent the starting point of long term cooperation in the field of Metabolomics with Sandoz Kundl. More information in the BOKU research information system r.: Stefan Neubauer (BOKU), Waander Riethorst (Sandoz), Stephan Hann (BOKU), Gunda Köllensperger (BOKU), Timo Hardiman (Sandoz)
