Award for Oliver Meixner
After 2011, another publication of the Institute of Marketing & Innovation (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) was awarded by the editorial board of the British Food Journal (BFJ) with the Emerald Literati Network Award for Excellence 2013. The publication "An expanded model of variety-seeking behaviour in food product choices" was selected to be the Outstanding Paper Award Winner of the BFJ for 2013 (BFJ Vol. 114, No. 11, 1571-1586). The article was co-authored by Viktoria Knoll. It summarizes core results of a project funded by the Austrian National Bank (Jubiläumsfonds). A new model for the analysis of consumer tracking panel data was presented. Via this model, valid approximations concerning variety seeking behavior in food markets are possible. The editorial board wrote: "The award winning papers are chosen following consultation amongst the journal’s Editorial Team, many of whom are eminent academics or practitioners. Your paper has been selected as it was one of the most impressive pieces of work the team has seen throughout 2012." As an awarded paper, the publication is available at
at no charge (complete list of all Outstanding and Highly Commended Papers: ). Url in FIS: