Rhizosphere Research

Andreas Kreuzeder was awarded with the prize for the best oral contribution at the 9th Young Analytical Scientists Forum.

Andreas Kreuzeder from the Institute of Soil Research was awarded with the prize for the best oral contribution for his presentation at the 9th Young Analytical Scientists Forum of the Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry. The awarded presentation with the title „A novel approach for simultaneous 2D chemical imaging of cationic and anionic solutes in soils using DGT – LA-ICPMS“ shows the recent results of newly developed methods for chemical imaging to investigate the contact-zone of plant roots and the surrounding soil (rhizosphere). The new method, based on a sampling technique with ion-resin embedded hydrogels (Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films) and the analysis with Laser Ablation – Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy, allows imaging of the nutrient and contaminant distribution around plant roots. The chemical interactions between plant roots and soil, which were hidden until recently, can now be investigated with this chemical imaging method. For the first time, anions and cations can be simultaneously imaged at high resolution which allows for the representation of interactions like nutrient mobilization from soil particles or desorption from mineral surfaces. Andreas Kreuzeder is doing his research at the Institute of Soil Science in the group of Rhizosphere Ecology and Biogeochemistry (Institute of Soil Science) and in the VIRIS-Laboratory (Institute of Analytical Chemistry) at the Science Campus Tulln (UFT). His dissertation is part of the project “Chemical imaging of phosphorus dynamics in the rhizosphere” (P23798) funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry organizes the annual forum for young analytical scientists to provide a competitive environment for the presentation and discussion of new scientific findings. Links: Institute for Soil Research (IBF):
http://www.wabo.boku.ac.at/512.html?&L=1  Vienna Isotope Research Investigation and Survey (VIRIS):
