ProAlp Summer School 2014

BOKU is organizing an ELLS summer school with the topic "Land Protection and Water Management in an Alpine Environment". Application deadline is 1 March 2014!

ELLS Summer School ProAlp 2014  
As part of the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) network, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) is organizing a summer school entitled "Land Protection and Water Management in an Alpine Environment" (ProAlp 2014). The course comprises an e-learning part (June-July 2014) and a field course at the Naturlabor in Altenberg/Rax (3-10 August, 2014). The ProAlp 2014 summerschool focuses on lessons from water resource protection and management, applied hydrology, hydrobiology, forest management, and mountain risk assessment in order to improve the quality and protection of Alpine freshwater ecosystems as required by the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). The WFD is common for all EU countries and experience of actions taken in the Mürztal region of Austria are also beneficial at the Alpine and European scale and will allow the students to understand ecosystem and freshwater protection and restoration. The ProAlp summerschool will allow the participating students to achieve unique insights in the specific problems and mechanisms of mountaineous ecosystems that could not be experienced anywhere else. The multidisciplinary teacher team and the case studies prepared by the students ensures the European context in the illustration of problems and applicable solutions. The course will help building a network for students interested in the same topics among EU nations. The course is dedicated to M.Sc. students and advanced B.Sc. students (last year of study) in a natural science area such as Agricultural Science, Biology, Environmental Sciences, Geosciences, or Natural Resources. Preference will be given to EnvEuro students and students from the ELLS universities. The course is organized by the Institute of Hydraulics and Rural Water Management (contact: Dr. Andreas Schwen). More informations and application: Flyer (PDF)
