AIESEC Recruitment

Are you young, motivated and open to the world? Then come and join AIESEC, the world's largest studen-run organisation and make a positive impact on our society!

The student organisation AIESEC, which has been present in Austria for 60 years, is recruiting members for the second time for the coming semester. If you're interested in putting your theoretical knowledge into practice and want to make new experiences, AIESEC could be just the thing for you! We offer the opportunity to practice and improve your social and professional skills, and to organise projects in a young and motivated team. On the 6.3, there will be an info evening to which you are warmly invited! If your interest has been sparked and you want to get involved voluntarily next to your university studies, you can find more information on where you can also directly apply! Alternatively, you can use the link below. The application deadline is the 14.3.2014
